Statement on Standards in Personal Financial Planning Services Toolkit


AICPA的 Statement on Standards in Personal Financial Planning Services (SSPFPS没有. 1), ,旨在为PFP从业人员提供权威指导,并建立可执行的标准. SSPFPS没有. 1 was issued in January 2014 and is effective beginning July 1, 2014. 它被修改了, 2015年1月, 以反映由于修订后的美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载职业行为准则的发布所必需的一致性变化, 12月15日生效, 2014.

CPAs are licensed and regulated by their state boards of accountancy. Additionally, all AICPA members are required to follow a rigorous Code of Professional Conduct which requires that they act with integrity, 客观性, 由于护理, 能力, fully disclose any conflicts of interest (and obtain client consent if a conflict exists), maintain client confidentiality, disclose to the client any commission or referral fees, and serve the public interest when providing financial services. 绝大多数的州会计委员会已经在他们的州会计法律中采用了AICPA的职业行为准则,或者已经创建了他们自己的准则.

Over the past three decades, 越来越多的188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址已经扩展到为个人和家庭提供个人财务规划服务. The Compliance Toolkit was designed to provide non-authoritative guidance via checklists, 订婚信, and more to aid in compliance with SSPFPS没有.1. 对于从业者面临的挑战的概述和可用的工具,为188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址提供指导,以确定SSPFPS没有. 1 compliance is required, listen to this podcast on Understanding and Applying the Statement on Standards in PFP Services.

Statement on Standards in PFP Services No. 1

本声明旨在帮助您以胜任和自信的态度提供个人财务规划服务. 经验丰富的, 有经验的从业人员和那些服务领域的新手将受益于有一个框架来指导他们与客户一起制定个人财务计划. The framework of the statement covers the following topics:

  • General professional responsibilities

  • Responsibilities of members in PFP engagements

  • Planning the PFP engagement

  • Obtaining and analyzing information

  • Developing and communicating recommendations

  • Implementation engagements

  • Monitoring and updating engagements

  • Working with other service providers

  • Using advice provided by other service providers


Standards in PFP: Compliance Toolkit

To aid in determining both applicability of SSPFPS没有.1 and compliance with it, the AICPA has developed the Standards in PFP: Compliance Toolkit, which is included with PFP Section and CPA/PFS credential holder membership.

The following resources provide nonauthoritative guidance to assist with compliance with SSPFPS没有. 1(标准). 提供这些资源是为了帮助您遵守标准,但不是必需的.

约定书样本和核对表旨在为任何实务格式的使用而定制 to meet the needs of your practice and individual engagements (see “条款 of use”). 您应结合审核标准的要求,审核约定书样本和核对表中使用的语言,并补充, 删除, or otherwise revise as you deem appropriate.



Standards in Personal Financial Planning Services (SSPFPS) Flowchart

本流程图将协助你确定《188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址》(SSPFPS)第. 我将适用于会员.

理解和应用PFP服务标准声明| PFP学习图书馆网络广播档案

Clark Blackman和Dirk Edwards 带领成员讨论sspfp的性质和目标以及何时和对谁适用.

SSPFPS Pre-Engagement Checklist


SSPFPS Post-Engagement Checklist


SSPFPS Documentation Checklist


Sample General Engagement Letter


Sample Implementation Engagement Letter


Sample Letter for Monitoring and Updating Engagements


Statement on Standards in Personal Financial Planning Services FAQs


Guide to Investment Advisory Business Models

This guide provides you with an overview of the investment advisory market. CPAs are well positioned to add investment advisory services to their business.

Standards in Personal Financial Planning Services compliance slides



Responsibilities in Personal Financial Planning Services Subcommittee
Clark Blackman II, Past 椅子 - PFP执行委员会 and Past 椅子 - Subcommittee
德克·爱德华兹, Past 椅子 - PFP执行委员会 and 椅子 - Subcommittee
Richard Fohn, Past 椅子 - PFP执行委员会
Charles Kowal, Past Member – PFP执行委员会

Personal Financial Planning Services Standards Review Task Force
德克·爱德华兹, 椅子
南希·海德 Tax Practice Responsibilities Committee
安东尼•王 PCPS Executive Committee
大卫•麦肯锡 PCPS Executive Committee
威廉•Pirolli Past 椅子 - PCPS Executive Committee
托马斯•珀塞尔 Tax Practice Responsibilities Committee
诺玛·施洛克 Vice 椅子 - Tax Practice Responsibilities Committee

安东尼Pugliese 高级副总裁 & 首席运营官
迈克尔•Buddendeck 总法律顾问
爱德华•卡尔 Vice President, Taxation
詹姆斯•麦茨勒 Vice President, Small Firm Interests; Public Practice and Global Alliances
珍妮特Koger, Director, Member Specialization & 的认证
安德里亚·米勒 Senior Technical Manager, Personal Financial Planning Division
莎拉•布拉德利 Technical Manager, Personal Financial Planning Division

Thank you to all of our volunteers and staff who have contributed over the last two decades!

Personal Financial Planning Section

当你加入美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载的个人财务规划部门时,你将获得额外的支持和独家资源. 作为188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址, 您可以通过个人理财专家(PFS)证书进一步展示您在个人理财规划方面的知识和专业知识.

条款 and 条件 for Readers

合规性工具包旨在提供与所涵盖的188bet亚洲真人体育下载相关的说明性信息. It does not establish standards or preferred practices. 这些材料是由美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载的工作人员和志愿者准备的,没有经过美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载董事会的考虑或采取行动,也不代表美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载的官方意见或立场. 提供的理解是,美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载的工作人员不从事提供任何法律, 会计, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. The AICPA makes no representations, 保证, 或者保证, and assumes no responsibility for, 本网站所含材料的内容或应用,并明确拒绝对因使用本网站而产生的任何损害承担任何责任, 参考, or reliance on such material.
Although much thought and effort have gone into the development of these tools, they are subject to change. 这些工具仅作为草稿发布,您保留对其最终内容的责任. Please review them carefully and make any changes necessary for your specific use.

访问合规性工具包的目的是作为PFP部分成员的个人利益, inclusive of CPA/PFS credential holders. 合规性工具包由美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载创建并拥有版权, which reserves all rights. Except in the context of performing client services, 繁殖, 再分配, republication or resale of this product by the member granted access is prohibited. 美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载是否应该在任何给定的时间或实例中省略或拒绝执行这些使用条款的任何方面, 此类不强制执行不构成也不应被解释为放弃美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载对任何其他或未来实例的权利. For more information about the terms of use for the Compliance Toolkit, or to request permission for a use which exceeds these limitations, please contact AICPA’s Licensing, 权利 & Information Services Team at 919.402.4031或透过 电子邮件.